Tuesday 14 April 2009

Monday 6 April 2009

Cheers for the birthday wishes Joanne. I am eating cake. 

Moment of the week.

Jo 'What is that, is that real?'

Loren 'yes Jo that is a willow plant'

Later that day to group of colleagues at a quiz night...

Jo ' Loren is really intelligent, she knew this plant thing today was a willow, she is dead clever...'

This demonstrates Jo's simpleton mind, not my vast knowledge of the world we live in.

Maybe you had to be there...

Anyway keep a eye out for a link to our online portfolio. Coming soon. To a cinema near you.

toga times

you only turn 22 once so what do you do?
why, dress up in togas of course...


twas princess loreynas bday last week and celebrations commenced this weekend just gone.mass drinking and weepings as she has turned the big 22. she is officially well on her way to thirty, which upsets her immensley and amuses me greatly.On our retutn from Newcastle we had a meeting at 10.30am to discuss a brief we are working on.Cant tell you much however it went well and we might be having some of our work presented to the client.This is good news and certianly a giant leap in the right direction and we are most pleased to say the least. Our placement is continuing for an extra 2 weeks as some absolutely insane creatives dropped out of their placement here and we were asked to stay on.we bit pauls arm off and now are beginning our 3rd week here at TBWA!