Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Guess where?.......... Tbwa.

Livin la vida snid is rather less snid filled. Second week at tb dubstep and its going rather spiffing. We peasants have been located in ghd village, with proper grown up desks and everything. Paul has set us reet good brief, back in the swing now and belted out some sweet ideas, with a dose of grim along the way. 'Skulkster' has now skulked past and on his 5th helping of cooked bread. I have never seen someone eat so much toast. bread head.

Being set a new brief today, just looked up at Jo, she is fly catching again, she caught me looking at her, followed by 'What?'and a snarl. Shes a treat. She cycled to work this morning, I cruised past her in my passion wagon (a 'vintage' corsa if you were wondering), gave her the courtesy of a holla, but the bitch blanked me.

Sik ass news alert. We are sticking around for a month, beats drinking vodka in bed, snuggled up and watching gossip girl. Well buzzing with that piece of news. Haway, longer to annoy people into liking us has to be good. In the words of Jen Hudson '...you and you and you...your gonna love me...'.

Nuff updates for now pet.
I'm very busy and important.

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